From the theme observed in an office to the environment it follows, everything needs to be professional if the management wants to give an impression of professionalism. Although we could not help you out in any other way, we have compiled the top most professional vertical designs of ID cards to ease the struggle.
You can download any of the following and fix the missing piece to give your organization a complete professional look.

This is a compact vertical ID card with a classic combination of gray and white as the base colors. The picture of the employee’s width of 1.1″ and height of 1.3’’ will be placed in the middle of the card to highlight it. The logo of the company will be over it, while the name and designation of the employee in question will come below it. These are the only pieces of information that are required for a card to look classy and presentable. If you think the same way, download it now and add the details to it.
Dimensions: 2.13 x 3.38
Size: 149 KB

The light golden rust-colored card with a vertical design is the second-most professional-looking card among the ones we choose. This card will focus on the picture of the employee, as it is the element that will be placed on top. The name of the employee, his date of birth, the code assigned to him, and the dates on which the card will be used are to be mentioned just below the prominent picture. These details, when written in a visible format on a light-colored patterned base, give a very nice and business-like look to a simple card. The employees will love to carry it around all day without hesitation. Download it now.
Dimensions: 2.13 x 3.38
Size: 274 KB

A classic combination of blue and white can never disappoint. This card is just like one. The white base as the major color gives an eye-soothing and classy look, while the blue stripe at the bottom simply steals the show. The name of the company sits at the top of the card, while the picture will be placed right in the middle to be in the spotlight. Below the picture, the user can write the name and designation of the employee. Download this template now if you want to add a classy and sophisticated look to the dress code of your employees.
Dimensions: 2.13 x 3.38
Size: 125 KB

This is a unique card of the ones we have picked up. It is a simple yet stylish combination of white and blue. The combination may sound a bit obvious, but the design here is something that makes it stand out of the pack. The royal blue on the left side of the card will bear the employee’s name, while his designation will come just below it. There is a perfect place left for the picture to fit on the right side of it, while the logo of the company will occupy the place at the top of the card.
Dimensions: 2.13 x 3.38
Size: 125 KB

This is the fifth one on our best professionals’ ID card list. It is the most simple and decent design of all. Here, the focus is not on the extra details but only the main elements will be required to put in. The main thing is the picture of the employee, which will come on top, while his name and designation will be written just below it. The logo of the company will be placed in the left-bottom corner.
Dimensions: 2.13 x 3.38
Size: 211 KB

This is the most unique design of all. You will agree with us after seeing this card that the combination of blue and white can make the best possible professional card ever. The prominent blue color will create a unique style by giving a frame look to the picture that will be placed on top. The heading will be written on the white strips, while the details will have a blue background. Together with white and blue, they’ll take this card to a whole new level. Download it now if you feel the same way.
Dimensions: 2.13 x 3.38
Size: 211 KB

Here comes another different card. This color is uncommon, and few people feel comfortable with it. But kudos to our designers, who have handled it with such care and talent that an extremely decent and praiseworthy ID card has been produced. The picture here is a bit bigger than the one needed on other cards, while the other details remain the same. The bottom of the card shares the same pattern as the rest of it, but the shade is a bit darker, which will simply highlight the name and address of the company that will come over it.
Dimensions: 2.13 x 3.38
Size: 169 KB

Blue and a bit bluer can never disappoint; trust us. The shades of blue will give a very delicate look to this card. Its top and bottom are dark blue, while the middle is covered with a patterned light blue. It bears all the important information, like the employee’s name, his employment ID, the department he works in, and the date on which the card will expire. A small picture will be placed gracefully at the right bottom, while the name and address of the company will be the last piece of information needed to be placed in the bottom-most area.
Dimensions: 2.13 x 3.38
Size: 169 KB