Civil Engineer ID Badges

ID badges are a useful accessory for employees in all kinds of professions. This is because the ID badges act as proof of employment to their respective organization. The IDs are always used in identity verification and maintaining records of the employees.

There are different versions of ID badges. Some badges are used for allowing access to work premises only, others are only used as identification. However, there are many more types of ID badges. Some have barcodes and QR codes that are used by swiping and scanning machines, smart badges have chips embedded in them. These codes and chips have the employee’s information stored on them such as their full name, designation, department, their issuance date, work records, etc.

Other uses of the ID badges depend on the situations an employee might be in, for example, official detectives use ID badges as they do not have set uniform. They can show the badges to gain access to different things such as a location, or data that normal individuals do not have access to.

Furthermore, the ID badge is also used as an extra security measure. Uniforms can be imitated and therefor ID badges are used to verify the identity of an individual.

Similarly, it is necessary for civil engineers to carry their badges for identification purposes especially during incidents where the lives of the engineers are endangered. The badges can be used to figure the missing persons and also make sure that strangers do not gain access to the area where work is being done.


This ID badge has a very detailed format. The title ‘Civil Engineer’ on the left side of the badge displays the purpose of the badge. The details include the Engineer’s name, date of birth, registration number and the date until which the badge is valid. A picture space of 1 by 1.3-inch barcode has also been provided.


Dimension: 3.38″ x 2.13″


The format of this badge is very simple. The only details mentioned on this badge are the full name of the badgeholder, their designation, a picture of 1.2 by 1.5-inch size, their registration number and the date until which the card is valid. A QR code has also been added to allow extra storage space for data regarding the badgeholder.


Dimension: 3.38″ x 2.13″


The theme of the badge makes it easier to read. The only details mentioned on the badge are the name, the registration number, and the job title. Along with is a space provided for the picture of 1 by 1 inch size. A barcode has also been reserved for the badge holder.


Dimension: 3.38″ x 2.13″


The bright colors of the badge attract attention and the title on the right explains the purpose of the card. The other details added on the badge consist of the full name of the engineer, a picture, the registration number and validation date. A barcode has also been reserved for the engineer.


Dimension: 3.38″ x 2.13″


The ID badge has a neat and assembled look. The details consist of the engineers’ name, their registration number, QR code and the photograph of 1.1 by 1.4-inch size. The color scheme is light and does not interfere with the details mentioned on the ID badge.


Dimension: 3.38″ x 2.13″

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