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- File Size 274 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date June 8, 2021
- Last Updated June 10, 2021
Enter Password: DICT-2
This ID card is designed for a director in specific as you could also see it is an upgraded one with more details and a clearer picture requirement. One of the reasons for providing the directors these cards is since they are responsible for a lot of employees working with them, it is essential for the employees to be able to recognize them.
This is also one beautiful colored card with blue, aqua, and a light shade of purple. Who would not want to grab this one? The visual appeal can be a major plus for making your employees want to hang it around their neck. The barcode in the end also adds up to the beauty of the card besides its obvious function. The issue and expiry date make it easier for security personnel and administration to keep track of employees' records.
Moreover, a picture having a width of 1.2 inches and a height of 1.5 inches will also enable you to stick in a clearer picture for easy identification.