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- Create Date June 7, 2021
- Last Updated June 9, 2021
Enter Password: EVICT-2
In an office, you must wear your employee card, which is representative of your designation and identity. This card is mainly designed for the [X] company. In any reputable company, you will be allotted an employee code. That particular code will be mentioned on this card to make the identity of all employees more authentic. For the picture area, add a photo having a width of 1 inch and a height of 1.2 inches—only two colors are used in this card which is meant to differentiate the portions of this card.
Moreover, barcodes are available on the right corner of this card to verify your authenticity. Your designation will also be mentioned over this card. As a worker, you need this card to enter your company premises. This rectangular-shaped employee card is meant for your identification process to be made easier and more effective for you. So, don’t ever hesitate to reach out for this employee card which is a representation of who you are as an employee.