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- File Size 110 KB
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- Create Date June 7, 2021
- Last Updated June 9, 2021
Enter Password: EVICT-8
A lot of employees find it very annoying to wear their employee cards because they find them of no value to them. Where in fact, one of the fundamental reasons a company mandates its employees is to make work more secure and convenient for them.
If you do not have an ID, no one will believe you work at a company and you will not even be allowed to enter the building premises. On the contrary, having your ID card with you will get you the respect and dignity of being an employee.
This beautifully colored card has the same purpose. Having your department and designation details alongside your employee number and a picture on it will make it more peculiar to you. It reflects who you are in a company and how important of an asset you are to the company. An employee card is part of a worker’s vanity he boasts off in front of society.