10 Best Corporate Professional ID Cards

These special ID cards are best for corporate use, as they have a professional overall look and can be used for multiple purposes. You can choose any of these fifteen best professional ID cards, and you can get a card of size 3.38’’ x 2.13’’. These cards can be the best template for you, as the text on them is easy to format.

Corporate ID cards can be used for businesses and companies, as they look extremely professional, and the color combinations, text format, and dimensions used in these cards will make you fall for them. Check it now…


This is the first of the professional cards that we have chosen. This is the most professional yet stylish of the lot. This simple design focuses the most on the picture of the employee, as a picture of size 1.2″ x 1.4’’ needed to be placed on the left top corner while the first and last names are written just beside it.

The name has a blue font color, which is highlighted on the white, plain base. The designation in black comes just below it. The right bottom corner is the key feature of this card, as it has a patterned blue color splashed there.

Corporate Professional ID Card Template

Dimensions: 3.38′′ x 2.13′′
Size: 160 KB
[Personal Use Only]


Dull green and greenish-white for a card, a standing ovation for the designer This combination is unusual, but not uncommon. However, the professional and amazing look it has given to this card speaks for itself.

The design used here is very simple, yet it also adds to its neatness and appeal. The logo of the company is the element that will be placed in the middle of the card, while all the other information falls all over.

Download this card, and you can simply fill in the details under the already-set headings. The design is so pleasant that you won’t have to change anything.

Corporate id card template

Dimensions: 3.38′′ x 2.13′′
Size: 151 KB
[Personal Use Only]


This naive card is the user’s best choice. The dull-colored base makes it look simple, but the bright color at the bottom makes it appealing at the same time. Still, this card did not fail to make our list of the 15 best corporate professional ID cards.

A small picture of the employee will be placed in the right top corner while the logo gets the most out of the space on this card. Details like the name and designation of the employee will come at the bottom of it. The design and color complement each other very well, and this will make you download it.

Corporate Employee id card template

Dimensions: 3.38 x 2.13
Size: 297 KB
[Personal Use Only]


The triple-shaded bright card is the fourth one out of the five best picks. The color chosen is no doubt very bright, and no one will even think to include it in a professional ID card, but these colors are placed with such grace and skill that they simply help each other in making the card look elegant.

A picture of size 0.9″ x 1.2’’ is required here, and only a few details along with it are to be written beside the picture; the company name, however, will top the card. Download it by simply clicking on the download button written just below the card template.

Corporate professional id card format

Dimension: 3.38″ x 2.13″
Size: 397 KB
[Personal Use Only]


The fifth card of the best five is a very simple one. It focuses on the information required rather than being fancy by portraying different colors in the background. Simple fonts and simpler designs are used in it.

The font color used is white, which will make every detail visible in the bright, deep blue background. The picture and the information will be placed side by side, and the bottom of the card will bear a patterned blue background.

This artless card will work best in organizations that do not believe in too many fancy looks or extravagant accessories. Download it now if you are one of them too.

Corporate ID card template

Dimension: 3.38″ x 2.13″
Size: 307 KB
[Personal Use Only]


Corporate professional ID Badge
Corporate professional ID Badge

Horizontal Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 3.38″ x 2.13″

Vertical Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 2.13″ x 3.38″


Corporate professional ID Badge
Corporate professional ID Badge

Horizontal Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 3.38″ x 2.13″

Vertical Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 2.13″ x 3.38″


Corporate professional ID Badge
Corporate professional ID Badge

Horizontal Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 3.38″ x 2.13″

Vertical Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 2.13″ x 3.38″


Corporate professional ID Badge
Corporate professional ID Badge

Horizontal Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 3.38″ x 2.13″

Vertical Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 2.13″ x 3.38″


Corporate professional ID Badge
Corporate professional ID Badge

Horizontal Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 3.38″ x 2.13″

Vertical Card: 2.0 MB
Size: Dimensions: 2.13″ x 3.38″


Professional ID Badge Sample

Badge Size: 3.38″ x 2.13″
Size: 357 KB


Professional ID Badge Sample

Badge Size: 3.38″ x 2.13″
Size: 307 KB


Professional ID Badge Sample

Badge Size: 3.38″ x 2.13″
Size: 125 KB


Professional ID Badge Sample

Badge Size: 3.38″ x 2.13″
Size: 217 KB


Professional ID Badge Sample

Badge Size: 3.38″ x 2.13″
Size: 197 KB

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