Orthodontist ID badges are the identity cards/badges that are issued to the serving orthodontists. These are issued by their employers which may include hospitals, clinics, or healthcare facilities. These ID cards are helpful in identifying an orthodontist in the working space. It also indicates whether the orthodontist has the license to serve or not.
Orthodontists are dentists that specialize in the handling of teeth and jaw problems. Oral health is one of the most important health areas, that need importance and attention, as the oral tissues are not only painful but affect the complete eating and daily routine as well. However, the patient needs to know, which specialist doctor he should be approaching to get the correct treatment done.
The issuance of the ID badges has many useful purposes, that include:
- They help in identifying one orthodontist from another as well as from other doctors and people.
- Through the ID badge, an association to, and employment of, the healthcare facility can be reflected.
- As the orthodontist is a specialist type of a dentist, the ID badge would clear any misunderstanding, so that the patient can reach out to the dentist or the orthodontist, as per his requirement.
- The ID badge would help the orthodontist in the security clearance, occupying the parking slot, availing discounts and fringe benefits, etc.
- The orthodontist can scan his ID badge to utilize the in-office services, and entering the places where others are not allowed, such as laboratories.
Due to the numerous benefits, healthcare facilities often choose to issue these ID badges. However, some prefer to display more information while others prefer to digitally store more and display less information. The latter has become possible due to the easy availability and wide employment of the technology in the hospitals, which has changed the conventional ID badges to the modern ones, with the digital data contained in them.
The digitally stored information has the benefits of less misuse, and more security, of the orthodontist’s information. Due to the digitally stored information, even if a badge gets lost, the chances that someone will misuse it, or use it for fraudulent purposes, are limited. In addition, the security of the orthodontist can be maintained, if his personal information is stored as codes.
Further, the organizations choose the information, that is to be present on an ID badge of an orthodontist, both as displayed and magnetically stored information. Hence, the information can vary from one facility’s ID badge to another’s. Generally, however, the following details are displayed and stored on such ID badges:
- Name and contact details of the hospital, clinic, or healthcare facility.
- Logo of the organization.
- ID badge reference number.
- Name of the orthodontist.
- Latest picture.
- Gender.
- Employee ID.
- Qualification.
- Status (licensed or non-licensed).
- Title and department.
- Date of expiry.
- Magnetically stored information and bar code.
- Thumb impression or signature of the orthodontist.
- Signature of the issuing authority.
Sample Templates

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